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Millions of people in the United States are vegetarians, and the numbers are growing. Many choose a vegetarian lifestyle for reasons of health, but even more do so because of moral and ecological concerns about human treatment of animals, environmental well-being, economic injustice, and individual integrity.
For over two thousand years, men and women have defended vegetarianism as a moral lifestyle.The problem is that their writings are scattered in place and time and often extremely difficult to track down. In "Ethical Vegetarianism from Pythagoras to Peter Singer" we've compiled and commented on works from this great tradition of moral vegetarianism. Anthologized authors include Pythagoras, Seneca, Plutarch, Porphyry, Bernard Mandeville, David Hartley, Oliver Goldsmith, William Paley, Percy Shelley, Alphonse de Lamartine, William Alcott, Richard Wagner, Leo Tolstoy, Anna Kingsford, Henry Salt, J. Howard Moore, Romain Rolland, Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Tom Regan, Peter Singer, Thomas Auxter, Peter Wenz, Stephen Clark, Frances Moore Lappe, Harriet Schleifer, Jon Wynne-Tyson, Deane Curtin, and Carol J. Adams.

Putting together this anthology was a labor of love for both of us. The selections in it are eloquent, well-reasoned, and timely, and we feel confident that vegetarians or persons considering vegetarianism will be edified and informed by them.

Vegetarianismo[Leia aqui]
escrito por ai.valhamedeus

2 comentário(s). Ler/reagir:

Anónimo disse...

Também em Portugal "the numbers are growing".
De tal modo que, de menos de meia dúzia de restaurantes vegetarianos que Lisboa tinha há 20 anos, se passou para mais de meia centena, hoje.
As razões para esta mudança são as mais variadas, desde "estar na moda" até motivações sérias a nível ambiental ou outras "menos sérias" de índole religiosa.

Bea disse...

Também queria ser vegetariana, sou às vezes, mas a carne é fraca...